Tessa Kiros ~Eggs with Bread and Butter

This week on IHCC it's all about Orange.  This may be a little
on the yellow side but it is sorta orangey-ish...right?  
Anyway, I chose this simple breakfast dish because I made
it a while back for my daughter and she loved it and asks
for it most mornings.  Bay is all about the yolk.  That's why
this is one of her favorite breakfasts.  The pieces of toast
get coated with all the beautiful golden orangey yolk,
getting some in every savory bite.

Now........I admit I went about it a different way than Tessa.  
In her cookbook Apples for Jam she has you boil an egg for
about 2 1/2 minutes.  I am here to admit I can't seem to get
an egg the way I like it when I boil it so I cheated and fried
mine sunny side up.  I feel no shame cheating on this one
because just the technique is different but the end result is
the same.    

Eggs with Bread and Butter

(adapted from Tessa Kiros)

2 eggs
2 slices of fresh bread (I used sourdough)
1-2 tbsp. soft butter
kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

Put bread on a sheet pan and smear butter over each.  
Broil until browned. Turn bread over and brown the
other side.  Tear bread into small bit and put into a bowl.  

In the meantime, heat a skillet with non-stick cooking
spray and break eggs into pan.  Cook eggs until the
whites are set.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Put eggs over bread in bowl.  Mix and mash the two
together well with a fork.  Serve immediately.  

I think this is a great breakfast for young children.  
Tessa says....

This is what my mom gave us so often- it is one of
my earliest food memories.  I have only to smell it
and it takes me sailing back in time and fills me with 
wonderful memories.  It is amazing how an egg and
a slice of bread can do that.

That being said..... I loved it too.  The nice thing is that
you can add in anything you like or nothing at all.  I
drizzled a touch of honey over mine where Bay just 
had salt and pepper. Sometimes it's the simple recipes
you end up craving  day after day.  This one is definitely
on our morning breakfast rotation!  Maybe it will end
up on yours as well.

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