Semi-Homemade Wicked Pickles

My friends Khris and Jeff introduced me to Wickles Pickles one
night we were having get together to watch some Oklahoma City
Thunder Basketball.  I instantly fell in love with the sweet, spicy
dill pickles.  Fast forward a couple of months and I found a recipe
on Christy's Southern Plate blog about "Candied Dill Pickles". 
Hmmmm..... I thought.  That sounds like "wickles" without the heat.
I can fix that I thought.  I have a whole jar of red peppers I that I
got at the Asian Market across town.  I always keep them on hand
to add a pop of color and spice to the top of certain dishes.

Semi-Homemade Wicked Pickles
(adapted from Southern Plate)

One large jar (46 ounces) whole dill pickles

3 cups sugar

1/2 cup white vinegar

heaping tablespoon of pickling spices

cheesecloth, cut into a 3"x3" square

6-12 red peppers, according to your heat tolerancy (I cut
some of mine in half lenthwise to expose the seeds)


Drain off pickles into a large bowl, reserving 1/2 cup of
pickle juice to use later.

Slice whole pickles into slices.

Cover pickle slices with sugar and stir. Pour reserved pickle
juice and 1/2 cup of vinegar over pickles.

Add red peppers and stir to combine.

Allow pickles to sit at room temperature for several hours,
stirring occasionally, until sugar is dissolved.

Place a heaping tablespoon of pickling spice in the center
of the cheesecloth square. Tie up the corners with string.

Drop pickling spice bundle into the pickle jar and return
pickles and juices back into the jar as well.

Secure lid and place in the refrigerator. Pickles need to "sit"
for about four days, turning the jar upside down every day to
mix the juices.

Ready to eat after 4-5 days.

I origanlly put in about 6 red peppers.  After the four days I
tried a pickle and thought it needed more heat.  I added 5 or
6 more and waited a few days and they turned out perfect! 

Now that the boys are in college and I don't have to cook
as much food.  I've turned Thursday's into "Sonic night" at
our house.  Jim picks up 3 sonic hamburgers for Bay and us 
and I set out different toppings to "pimp out" our burgers.
Toppings range from sauted mushrooms or onions, whatever
type of cheese we have in the house.  This week it happened
to be pepper jack that we melt until gooey in the microwave.
Now we add our wicked pickles as well.  I can't tell you how
good it makes a plain old Sonic burger or anything else for
that matter!  I just love that little kick of sweet/hot heat they
give.  Try 'em!  I know you'll love 'em!

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