Parmesan Eggs in a Croissant Nest with a Dijon Cream Sauce
I first spotted this idea when looking around on Pinterest. If you
haven't heard of Pinterest you are in for a treat. I can get lost on
that site for hours! I've found some of the best ideas, recipes,
crafts and more on Pinterest. Let me warn you is
HIGHLY addictive!!
Anyway, I spotted the idea to use a croissant as a nest for
be fantastic in those! I was not wrong! Oh my goodness!
The croissant baked up so crispy and light and the eggs were
wonderful with the garlic and parmesan on them. To top it
off I made my own version of the Dijon Cream sauce. I used
about a half cup of sour cream with a tablespoon or two of
dijon mustard and added some chopped parsley and a splash
of half and half to thin it out a bit. The sauce just set off the
eggs amazingly! Jim had gone to the farmers market on
Saturday morning and bought me some homegrown eggs so
I knew Iwanted to make something special with them!
Jim and Bay loved them! Jim said they were "Bed and
Breakfast" quality. That's high praise from him! Now, I'm
thinking about other ways to use the same idea. It would
make a great pizza or taco cup! You could even dress
it up and have maybe a pesto chicken cup. The ideas are
spinning in my head with all the possibilities!
I hope you will try it soon too! You won't be dissappointed!
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