Kwanzaa Food Recipes | Latin Food Recipes

The legacy of soul food is bittersweet in its history. Born of a multitude of slavery, soul food is now a multibillion dollar industry that has led to restaurants, books, videos, television shows and cooking more. Yes, soul food is a treasure not only African-Americans ... is an American treasure.

Soul Food is an industry that has given birth to dozens of millionaires and created thousands of related companies. All this comes from recipes, cooking techniques and seasonings are passed from generation to more than 300 long years.

Surprisingly, many foods used in the preparation of food for the soul originated in Africa. It remains a mystery how the seeds arrived in the Americas. For example, okra, black-eyed peas, watermelon, yams and many green leafy vegetables, which came on the continent of Africa are a staple of soul food cooking today.

To support the South sweltering day, always full of prolonged labor and exhausting, Black workers had to have food that was cheap, filling and provide the necessary energy. The ingredients of the food for the soul as long as those needs. Soul Food is the food that helped build America, why? Because it helped the slaves who helped build America's work and survive in the stressful days long.

Ironically, historians have shown that slaves followed a more healthful diet than their masters, judging by the standards of health today. The slave owners and overseers were full of food too high in fat, calories and rich washed with alcohol. This diet is considered the diet of a wealthy man, and as often today as a result of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

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