Meatball Pesto Pizza

Jim and I were so excited to have a day warm enough to eat out on 
the patio on Friday evening.  I have to say that I seriously miss 
summertime.........sigh..........  I can't wait for swimming in the pool, 
picnics, the sound of lawnmowers and a garden full of basil to make 
my summer pesto.  When I start making my own again I definitely plan 
on having this pizza.  The whole time we were eating it we were both 
mumbling wow.......omg........this is so good......

I decided to make up a batch of meatballs and cut them in half to put 
on pizza for something a little different.    I used a mamma marys pizza 
crust and whole store bought container of pesto.  I just split it between 
both crusts because I wanted to keep it simple.  I have a tendency to 
be heavy handed on my pizza.....go figure.......  Anyway besides the 
mozzarella and some parmesan, I just added some mushrooms.  I 
adore mushrooms and normally use fresh and then saute them in 
garlic butter but on this night we were getting ready for overnight 
company and I didn't have time to run to the store.  No worries though
.........can mushrooms or not it was delish!

To download a copy of my meatball recipe click here.

Please try and use homemade meatballs in this.  Frozen would just 
not bring the amazing flavor that freshly made ones do, and they are 
so easy to make using a cookie scoop!

 After I get all the ingredients on my pizza sometimes I brush a little 
olive oil on the crusts and sprinkle a little granulated garlic along with 
some basil and oregano on the pizza.  It adds a extra pop of flavor.

As it turned out, Friday was the best day of the weekend.  The next 
two days were cold and drizzly.  I'm so glad we got a taste of what's 
coming though.......

What are you looking forward to this summer?

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