AAK! PSA: Support the DREAM Act

This little bit of news came over the wire:
UCLA Bruin Marching Band drum major David Cho ... has been a vocal proponent of the DREAM Act. In August Cho, a Korean-American who also arrived here as a child, discussed his immigration status on the social-justice blog Citizen Orange as part of collection of posts titled “DREAM Now Series: Letters to Obama.”

From Cho’s “letter:”

While most of my friends will enter the workplace after graduation, I will not be able to even put my name down on a job application because of my status. I’m a hardworking student with a 3.6 GPA and I am the first Korean and actually the first undocumented student to ever become the conductor, the drum major of the UCLA Marching Band in UCLA history.

My parents brought me to this country when I was only nine years old. I went to school not knowing a single word of English, and I often became my classmates’ object of ridicule – many bullies perpetually and ignorantly harassed me. My reaction to this harassment was to study harder, for I was determined to overcome my obstacles and excel in everything that I did. I studied hard and graduated from my high school with a 3.9 GPA.

It was not until my freshman year of college when I found out about my immigration status. I asked my parents for my social security number when filling out my application for UCLA. There was a long pause.
Über-achiever student? Check. Undocumented? Check. [Southern California Public Radio]

The article also discusses Mr. Pedro Ramirez, president of the student government at California State University, Fresno, who is likewise an illegal immigrant who achieved a great deal.

Can there be any doubt that America needs young people like Mr. Cho and Mr. Ramirez? It is the plain ludicrity of American immigration laws that turns away talented individuals who desperately want to contribute to its society. You can help end this stupidity, because the proposed DREAM Act will grant permanent residency to young people like Mr. Cho and Mr. Ramirez by either committing to the military for eight years of service, or earning a bachelor's degree.

Please join the Korean and sign the petition for the DREAM Act, and join the DREAM Act Facebook group. Some of you with a Facebook account may have already received a cause invite from the Korean -- please join. This is important. Thank you in advance.

Got a question or comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@gmail.com.

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