Meatless Monday - Scrambled Eggs with Dribs and Drabs

After last Saturday's bacon cook-off, we ended up with several bits and pieces of ingredients that we were just too frugal to throw out: four thin slices of tomato; a teaspoonful of finely chopped scallion; a bit of wilted cilantro; a few bits of pickled carrot and daikon. And a full recipe of caramelized onions that were originally going to go on the Banh Mi, but in the mad plating frenzy, I completely forgot about them. We also had some random slices of onion in the fridge leftover from something I made the previous weekend, half a box of mushrooms, and a huge, mostly-full container of feta cheese that I bought to use in the watermelon and strawberry salad. And our herb garden is a bit out of control, so I added some spicy globe basil to the pile of ingredients.

I used up the itty bits and some of the bigger bits and made Sunday's breakfast a little more interesting than usual.

Scrambled Eggs with Dribs and Drabs

olive oil
4 slices of tomato (about 1/2 small tomato)
1 tablespoon sautéed onions
1 teaspoon finely chopped scallions
1 tablespoon roughly chopped onion
3 button mushrooms, sliced
2 springs cilantro
pinch of salt
small handful of basil leaves
2 tablespoons feta cheese
4 eggs

Heat olive oil over medium heat in a sauté pan and add the next seven ingredients. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onions and mushrooms soften. Scatter in about half of the basil and stir.

Break the eggs into a small bowl and scramble with a fork. Pour over the ingredients in the pan and stir them, incorporating everything into a lumpy pile of curds. Cook eggs until mostly done, sprinkle with half the feta, then cover the pan for a few moments until the cheese gets melty. Add remaining basil and serve with additional feta on top.

We ate the eggs with wheat toast and pickled vegetables on the side. A little sriracha on the eggs was nice too.

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