Our goat family is complete

This is Natalie. She's a good kid.  If all goes according to breed reputation (she's an Oberhasli), she will grow up to be a quiet, docile, smallish dairy goat with a not-so-hot udder. I don't know what the last part means, but that's what I've heard. Sleek and skinny and elegantly colored, she's a supermodel goat and makes Peppermint look like a pudgy, squinty, smudgy runt.

I'm disappointed we won't have a milkable goat for a whole year as I've been making a lot of cheese. I thought about buying another lactating doe, but when I stood there gazing at the beautiful grown Oberhaslis on the farm where I bought Natalie, I knew that if I brought one home I would open the possibility of sleeping in the calf hutch again. I couldn't face that.

The babies bleat and they sound like kittens. I ignore them and every day they bleat a little less. They like to eat the Scotch broom and Natalie chases the chickens.

I haven't been cooking much the last few days for various uninteresting reasons, but will start up again shortly. 

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