She needs a haircut

I poured a glass of wine, pulled out my wallet, and Owen and I ordered some chicks the other night. What with shipping, you pay a pretty penny for your chicks when you order from My Pet Chicken, but they offer a huge selection, and you can buy as few as three. Most hatcheries require orders of 25. We requested:
-1 blue Andalusian, because Owen likes its looks
-1 Marans, because I still want chocolate brown eggs
-1 Welsummer, again, it's about the chocolate brown eggs
-2 Easter Eggers, because we still want green eggs and our surviving Ameraucana doesn't lay them
-1 buff laced Polish (see photo at top), to attempt to replace the irreplaceable Alberta Einstein
We have a few slots left and are holding out for a Penedesenca, currently unavailable. We would also like a silkie bantam, preferably black.
Meanwhile, Owen and I have been reading My Fine Feathered Friend by former New York Times restaurant critic William Grimes. This sweet, droll book recounts the true story of a bossy Australorp hen that mysteriously turned up in his tiny New York City back yard one day and made herself at home, eating the cat food, roosting in a tree, and laying eggs in a little nest. I've read this book twice before (it's very short) and can't recommend it more highly.
Something else I can't recommend more highly: this toasted coconut ice cream recipe. Serve with chocolate sauce.
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