Pioneer Woman: the earnest summation

Since I've already written at length about Pioneer Woman Cooks, this will be short and statistical.
I made 28 recipes out of Pioneer Woman Cooks:
Worth the price of the book -- 2*
Great -- 2
Good -- 15
So-so -- 6
Flat-out bad -- 3
That's actually a very middling performance, now that I look at it, and doesn't reflect the pleasure I took in cooking from this funny book. If I was the kind of gal who called herself a gal and said things were a hoot, I would say this book was a hoot. That's how I imagine PW talks. It would be fun to be able to talk that way, but when you grew up in San Francisco you just can't.
Shelf essential? On my shelf, yes. I wouldn't dare speak for yours.
*sheet cake and meatballs.
NEXT: Big Sur Bakery Cookbook.
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