Blog Giveway: Celebrating 100,000 Visitors!

For CY who always wants to show my food off.


There is a keen satisfaction from knowing that your work is read and appreciated. I've been lucky to have had great friends and family to keep me encouraged; they spread the word of my blog, tell people to read my blog, cook from my blog and then give credit to my blog. I even have people asking me to try making things that I've never tried before, all in the name of improving my blog. I'm extremely lucky to have such a wonderful support network and to have so many people promote me.

I have a simple story to demonstrate this. My good friend CY decided that she was going to cook for her church small group. She asked me what one of my more economical favorite recipes was, and asked if I would help her prepare it. She said, "If it is a hit, you know that people will be talking a LOT about it." I laughed at her confidence and offered to help her, simply because I wanted her small group to eat a nice meal. (feeding people is the greatest motivation for me...fame is not.) We worked hard together, prepared all the components of Kimchee Burgers and she went and executed them for her small group. She said she was AMAZED at how much food impacted the mood of the evening. People were excited, jubilant, eating voraciously and just enjoying themselves. There wasn't anything left at the end of the night and people continued raving about it at church the following Sunday. It was great publicity for me as CY continued to say, "It's all on the Week of Menus website" and she just kept on promoting me. But more of my personal satisfaction came from the fact that people ENJOYED my food, got excited about what they ate and were satisfied. That is my thanks.

To thank my readers and my friends, I'm celebrating my latest milestone - 100,000 hits (WOW!), a number I'd never imagine I would reach. I'm buying the contest winner a beautiful set of MIU measuring spoons. These are not the measuring spoons I currently have, but these are the NEXT set I'd like to own - because the shape is narrow (my spoons keep getting caught in the narrow spice jars), they are stainless steel with beautiful long handles and a great hefty weight. They will be essential during this coming holiday season.

I hope that the winner uses the spoons in good health to cook and prepare wonderful foods for family and friends. I continue to ask people to try and cook for the loved ones around you, because food can change people.

To enter, simply enter a comment below which includes the following two things:
1. What have you cooked most often from this blog?
2. Why do you cook it so often? (FYI - if the answer is - I've only cooked one thing and that's it, your answer has as much equal merit as the person who has cooked many things. No worries.)

I am stickler for following directions, probably due to my former career as a high school teacher. If you fail to answer one of these two questions, your entry will be disqualified.

A single winner will be chosen at random one week from today. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON. (But each spouse can enter once.) Please make sure you leave at least an email so that I can contact you and get your mailing address so that you can receive your prize. (US addresses only please.)

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