Some donuts, some self-promotion

On the left, a Krispy Kreme. On the right, a donut made by Isabel and me. Details on how they tasted and how much they cost: coming soon.

Briefly, though, I ate so many hot homemade donuts the other night that I sent myself to bed early as punishment. The good news is, there were no donuts left over to feed to the chickens which I have since learned is a bad idea

I will probably continue to feed the chickens failed cakes, cookies and donuts to break up the monotony of centipedes, sandwich crusts, and grain, but perhaps not quite so often.


My story about shopping for Vietnamese groceries is in the November issue of Sunset, or so I have been told. (I can't find it online.) It includes a picture in which I am wearing a shirt that my friend just said "resembles a tablecloth." He also told me that it's charming how "natural and disheveled" I look, that it's clear I hadn't spent a lot of time primping or brushing my hair. Which is funny, because I actually had. 

Also, my review of Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals is here. I couldn't begin to fit my thoughts about this fascinating and maddening polemic into the space allotted. This is a book you really need to take apart piece by piece to separate the truly strong arguments (there are many) from the eminently debatable (there are many.) I wonder if Foer paid Natalie Portman to sound off and start the buzz. If so, good thinking!

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