Cake Boss – Buddy Deals With A Bridezilla And Is There A Little Misogynist In The Making?

I have a hard time believing that THIS episode was real. Tables being overturned in restaurants or emotional conversations held with the latest tunes somehow always in the background or even offers of illicit activity in public bathrooms…all of that I can believe. But this week, things SO out of the ordinary happen in Buddy’s bakery, that it's hard to believe they’re for real.

A mother comes in with her bride-to-be daughter. Buddy says he deals with 30 to 40 (really?!!) brides a week. This bride is already unhappy and couldn’t agree on “nothin” (that’s Buddy) with her mother.

Buddy keeps steering them back to discussing the cake. Mom wants a white cake; daughter wants a black cake…like a funeral. Buddy is business-like and says he can do 4 tiers with draping and calla lilies. They fight about everything. Finally Buddy says, “I’m going to make you a cake youse both are gonna love.” AND he even manages to come up with, “It was a pleasure.”
He gets to work on the cake and he’s loving it as it comes together.

It’s all set to go and it's safely in the walk-in fridge, and…Unbelievable Moment Number One: The bride arrives at the bakery…THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING…to take a look. What bride has time do THAT? It’s just totally unlikely.

She mounts the steps to the inner sanctum. Buddy proudly brings out the cake and…Unbelievable Moment Number Two: The bride says, “It’s really ugly.” I just don’t buy it.

Then Buddy conveniently walks away to confer with his cronies and…Unbelievable Moment Number Three: The bride grabs piping bags of brightly colored icing - that just HAPPEN to be at hand - and starts squeezing huge blobs of it all over the cake.

Buddy comes back and…Unbelievable Moment Number Four: He acts shocked. (But he’s a baker, not Laurence Olivier.)

The bride says she was just giving him an art lesson. In real life, he would have smacked her, or at least broken a knee cap or two. Thank goodness Buddy doesn’t agree to make a new cake, at least at first, when she says she wants one with more color.

Buddy calls the mother, who starts crying, and he agrees to make a new cake because… Unbelievable Moment Number Four: She’s such a good customer. Seriously, no ONE family could possibly buy enough cannoli to be considered THAT good a customer. Whatever.

Other things happen, but nothing rivals the Bridezilla. Joey, who is identified as “a mixer”, asks Buddy about making a cake for a kid’s hospital. Buddy says for kids, “ANYTHING. No problem.”

Later he finds out the cake is for 500 people and they want a 3-D airplane on it, yada yada yada. I just want to see the witch-slayer this girl is marrying.
Stretch comes in to annoy Buddy. Then Stretch and Frankie plot some revenge on Buddy who has yelled at both of them. Stretch gets Buddy to come out to the truck and Frankie is supposed to dump water on him.

His plot is foiled when the guys dump purple water on Stretch instead. Buddy can’t believe Stretch thought HIS people would turn on the boss. Capiche? There’s more charity baking action using lots of modeling chaw-ko-lot.

The next day they have to finish and deliver the Bridezilla cake AND get the charity cake to the event. Buddy had baked and partially decorated an entirely new and different wedding cake the day before. The team finishes it off. They all love it. Buddy delivers it personally. Mom “Suellen” sees it (while in curlers) and ADORES it. She apologizes to Buddy again and hopes he’s okay after what her daughter did.

They put us in suspense about how the bride is going to react and go to a commercial. Allison (the bride) glances at the cake from her makeup chair, says it’s fine and refuses to come out and give Buddy any satisfaction. Should I even note Unbelievable Moment Number Five: What bride gets her makeup done 5 feet from where the cake is going to be?

She is really a complete total byatch. And THAT was the total payoff? Maybe it WAS real. If they had made it up, it would have been more dramatic.

Buddy and Mauro deliver the 3-D plane cake to the kids’ hospital benefit to a huge cheering and applauding crowd. They stay to serve it.

The episode ends with Buddy going home. Oh good, we get to see his kids AND his wife. The little kids come running down the stairs to see Daddy. Wifey is there to make pasta for Buddy. She looks like a teenager.

Ok, THIS is bad! They’re eating dinner and his daughter says,”Daddy makes cakes.” And then the little boy says, “And Mommy does nothing.”

Excuuuuuuuse me? No kid says that unless he hears it from someone else. Is there a misogynist in the house? This is almost as worrying as that entitled harpie of a bride. Buddy, you better take those kids aside and ‘xplain to them that Mama tends to the nest, so you can keep your baking dreams alive.

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