How’s THIS For A Headline? Iron Chef and Wife EACH Pregnant

I admit it took me a moment to process, until I remembered that Iron Chef Cat Cora is married to Jennifer Cora. Jennifer is pregnant with the couple’s third child, due 3 months before the Iron Chef is slated to give birth.

For those details lovers out there, all four children come from the same anonymous donor and they’re all boys. (I’m not sure the word sperm belongs on a food blog, but, oh well, I went and used it anyway.)

One more thing, which certainly doesn’t happen with every couple…Jennifer is carrying Cat’s baby and Cat is carrying Jennifer’s.

The only question I have about the entire matter is why, oh why, did the pregnant partners give the story to OK magazine? Wouldn’t this have been a great scoop for The Food Network Magazine? They could have developed an entire pregnancy menu around the news. That certainly would have been more noteworthy than a(nother) feature on cocktails from Aunt Sandy.

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