Guess Where I Am...

Here’s a scene from my hotel window:

That doesn’t help, does it? Maybe this will.

Yup, it’s an observatory and planetarium with huge telescopes for looking into the (hazy) skies.

THIS will definitely give it away…

That IS the Hollywood sign, visible in the distance, taken from the Observatory in Griffith Park.

We’re in LA, visiting our daughter, taking in some sights, which included the bronze head of James Dean.

Why is that there? Because he filmed "Rebel Without A Cause" at the Griffith Park Observatory.

Our first day of touring included of the inside of this bar...


watching some basketball something or other with a bunch of drunken 20 year olds. Only one glass was broken amid the yelling and profanity, and I have to say the Potato Skins were awesome.

I LOVED my Hank’s Vanilla Cream Soda. It was sweet and cold with a creamy taste of real vanilla.

And the Fried Calamari (not pictures) were hot, crispy and not overly greasy.

More later. If it's snowing or cold and grey where you are, I'm sorry. I'll send some warm weather thoughts your way.

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