Ask a Korean! News: AAK! Won Some Awards, and So Did You

The good folks over at Hub of Sparkle held a contest for Korea-related blogs, and Ask a Korean! was duly nominated in multiple categories. Without doing any pimping for votes unlike some people, AAK! swept all categories in which it was nominated, emerging with two wins and one tie.

The one tie came from Best Post or Series in a Korea Blog, and the winning piece from AAK! was its collaboration with Gord Sellar and Roboseyo about why expats in Korea complain, and why Koreans get so defensive about it. Since AAK! won the other two categories in which it entered on its own, the Korean is led to believe that Gord and Robo dragged AAK! down.*

AAK! also won Best Blog about Korean Culture in a walk. HoS Spokesman Roboseyo said: "In my opinion, this was one of the strongest categories in the entire survey, and I was frankly surprised at how lopsided the voting came out, but in the end, there could be only one[.]" Indeed, Robo. Indeed.

But the Korean is most proud that you won an award as well. Yes, the Korean means you, all the readers who visit AAK! and leave comments. AAK! also won Most Interesting Comment Board, a tribute to the quality of readership here. The Korean always believed that people can have good, intelligent conversation on the Interwebs, and he is very pleased to see that AAK! attracts commenters who are also interested in good, intelligent conversation. The Korean congratulates you all. Go have yourselves some nice steaks to celebrate.

p.s. The Korean is NOT putting up the picture of the Golden Kimchi trophy because it doesn't look golden, just ridiculously rancid. Barf.

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at

*Not true.

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