Top Chef: Season 5, Episode 4

Previously: Team Rainbow gets formed and it doesn’t last very long as week by week the trifecta crumbles, starting with young Patrick and last week with the downfall of Richard the Bear, who unfortunately serves spit-like banana s’mores during a Foo Fighters Thanksgiving. Gosh, they’re really milking the crying scene from Richard. Oh, and Ariane makes a good turkey.
Opening scenes of busy New York traffic. You know, I have to say the editors at The Next Food Network Star put together better opening scenes showing off the beauty of the Big Apple. It’s boring in Top Chef land. Anywho, we see Jeff the Hair having breakfast in front of the New York skyline and The Cougar (Ariane) feeling confident from her turkey challenge.
Alex misses Richard the Bear, who was his roomie. And apparently when they film the axed cheftestants packing their knives, they really do leave the kitchen all alone. But as we saw from last week, Richard was a whole bottle of emotions so he had to write them down in a letter to Alex.
“Dear Alex, even though we were roommates for a brief moment, I believe we have bonded, And even though I’ve lusted over the dashing and shiny domed Tom Colicchio, who would take me to super Bear status if I brought him back to my circles, I will miss you the most, my cuddly furry friend. Love, Richard. P.S. Tell Padma I’ll miss her outfits the most.”
OK, so I kid. That’s not really what the letter said. The hand-written letter actually looks pretty long and Alex is reading it to Jamie and Carla, and Alex is getting just as emotional as Richard probably was when he wrote it. Alex says reading the letter (which really just wished him luck and stuff) made him miss home even more. Jamie, the surviving member of Team Rainbow, is wearing her rainbow T-shirt and says she made a rainbow-colored bracelet in memory of Richard. Awww.

Padma says Rocco’s most likely surgically altered face is one of the most recognizable in the culinary world, so he needs no introduction so let’s just get on to the challenge. The cheftestants have to come up with a breakfast amuse bouche, which sounds odd considering how people barely have time to make breakfast itself, let alone a little tasting of what’s to come. Rocco throws in that he loves bacon, and Padma says who doesn’t? And I have to say, I like it but don’t love it because it can be salty and greasy, so, yeah, I’m one of those who doesn’t, so there.

So everyone is working mostly with eggs, and I’m starting to notice that some of these don’t really look like an amuse, which is really a small tasting —often just one bite— to start your meal. And even Leah agrees with me, as she notes that some of her counterparts are really just making mini breakfast dishes. But bring on the tasting!
Rocco and Padma go around, and among the highlights is Rocco loves EU Stefan’s heuvos ranchos breakfast inside an egg. And while I like the idea, I think the whole presentation of an amuse in an egg shell is so 1980s, but Padma and Rocco seem impressed.

Rocco didn’t like Daniel’s cornflake-battered zucchini flowers, saying it was too sweet. He also didn’t like Fabio’s, which was like a miniature dessert plate. He did like Stefan’s egg thing and Leah’s and Jamie’s competing mini egg sandwiches. He ultimate goes with Leah, which really burns Jamie up because she’s all like, “well Leah won it last week. That’s not fair.” Hmm, I didn’t realize there was a rule saying you can’t win immunity back-to-back. While Jamie’s festering in rainbow colors, Rocco gives Leah a copy of his latest book “Rocco Gets Real.” OK, how much do you want to bet Rocco’s number is hand-written inside?
Elimination challenge. Padma says it’s important to raise their chef’s profile so people will know them and what to eat their food. So they have to come up with a 2 ½ -minute food demo for a live TV audience, although not really live and not a real audience. But it’s going to be just 2 ½ minutes, dang it. Leah is scared of TV and live demos so she’s already thanking the Top Chef kitchen gods for giving her immunity yet again.
Commercials. Wow, two car commercials. And not one of them is an American brand.

Alex is the only one planning a dessert, which is a rose-infused crème brulee, which sounds delicious. But everyone’s saying he can’t do it in an hour, which is how much time they have to prep back at the Top Chef kitchen.
After a few more glimpse at what others are doing (Jamie’s doing a salad with duck egg, Radhika’s doing some sweet shrimp thing, Carla’s making tortilla soup, The Cougar is cutting up watermelon), Gail, Padma, Tom and Rocco waltz in and they set up a makeshift kitchen demo spot.
The judges act like talk show hosts huddled around the cheftestant and Gail is holding some kind of weird timer that looks more like a calculator. The Cougar is up first and she’s talking about being from New Jersey and making something with beef steak tomatoes. She serves it up with a quick basil oil and watermelon for a salad, and the judges seem to like it and she has 14 seconds to spare. Wow, I’m impressed. (Although, it’s not like it’s the first time anyone’s made a salad with watermelon.)
Jamie does a bitter green salad with duck egg and caviar and she’s feeling pretty confident, which is a sure sign of impending doom. Sure enough, the white around the yolk doesn’t really set in time but she still plates it up and forces the judges to try it with her salad.
Alex makes his dessert and Padma asks him about vanilla extract and he’s busy yakking and time runs out. They try his crème brulee and Gail’s shaking her head and Tom doesn’t look happy.

Then the next few minutes they do quick cuts of the other cheftestants and it goes by pretty fast like they squeezed all the rest into 2 ½ minutes. The highlights include Daniel smoking up the joint, Eugene making sashimi and not really knowing the difference between that and sushi (sushi contains rice and sashimi doesn’t) and Melissa nearly killing all the judges with her habanero hot pepper soup.
The cheftestants are back in the stew room asking each other who ran out of time (almost all of them) and who thinks they’re leaving (Jamie, Alex, Melissa, Leah, and amazingly NOT The Cougar).

Padma comes in to get the bottom three — Melissa, Alex and Jamie — and then the top three — Jeff the Hair, Fabio and The Cougar. There’s a noticeable gasp when Padma named Ariane as one of the top three.
Instead of going to the judge’s table, they go home because apparently it’s too late and they’ll pick it up tomorrow. The chefestants do more talking about how badly they did, except for Jamie who’s crying herself to sleep. Meanwhile, Alex is saying how some people “pussy-ied out” and did something easy like salad, which doesn’t sit well with The Cougar. Leah tells Melissa that she has to fight for herself and I just keep thinking, doesn’t Melissa look like a young Daryl Hannah?

Chef Tom tells them that the Today Show hosts will taste the finalists’ dishes and then choose the winner live on the air. EU Fabio is excited, except I don’t think he realizes that he’s not going on air, just his dish.

They turn on the TV and see the crowds at the Today show and everyone’s jealous. Again, I don’t think they realize that none of the three will be on TV, but whatev. On air, we have what kind of looks like the ladies at The View, but its Meredith Vieira (wait, she was on The View), a very pregnant Natalie Morales (I heard it was twins), Hoda Cotb, and Kathie Lee Gifford (sans Regis). Chef Tom is with them to feed them the three dishes.
They start by eating The Cougar’s watermelon salad. Meredith hates watermelon, which I don’t get. Next is Fabio’s seared tuna, which they don’t say much, and then Jeff the Hair’s dishes, and all the ladies look confused about what they’re eating. Then Kathie Lee has to go spit her out, which is probably not the first time she’s done that.
Then the four morning show hosts huddle and I’m thinking, this is probably the most boring live television segment to watch, and they choose what they call the most original dish and that’s the watermelon salad. The Cougar screams in the green room (and Jeff the Hair generally looks happy for her) while Carla is screaming just as much back at the condo — maybe because she feels a mystical connection with Ariane.

In walks the bottom three cheftestants. Padma gives each of them a chance to talk about what went wrong, and Melissa says she tried her spicy soup, which Rocco doubts because he says it was inedible. Jamie says she got frazzled by the time, and Alex says he wanted to be different with his dessert choice. Then Melissa channels her inner Leah and tells the panel that “I want to be here. I really want to be here.”
The judges deliberate with Rocco saying all three dishes were inedible (I think that’s his favorite word). He also said Jamie shutdown, which is not good for a publicity-seeking celebrity chef. Back in the stew room, Melissa is going around telling anyone who will listen to her that “I want to be here, I really want to be here” and Alex asks Jamie if Melissa’s throwing him under the bus, and Jamie says yeah, and he says “that’s fucked up.” (But of course, I spelled it out while Bravo spelled it f - - ked up. I played hang man, you know.)

Judgment time. Tom says they thought the challenge was straightforward, but of course it wasn’t. He gives a recap of why they suck — Melissa … spicy, Alex … wrong dish, Jamie … raw egg. Then Padma sends Alex packing. Back in the stew room as everyone commiserates with hugs, Hosea whispers to Melissa he’s glad she’s still here. Hey, what about Leah? The cheat.
Alex says he should have stuck to his guns, which I’m not quite sure where they were pointing, and says you have to give 100 percent when on Top Chef, but he has a fiancé and a wedding in 20 days to think about so he only could give 87 percent, if even.
Next week: Gail comes flying in and announces that the cheftestants all have to cook at her bridal shower. Wow, talk about free labor. First, Chef Colicchio gets them to work at their restaurant, now free catering for Gail. What? Is Padma going to have the cheftestants stuff and mail out her cookbook, “Tangy, Tart, Hot & Sweet”? Geesh.
“Top Chef: New York” airs every Wednesday at 10 p.m. (9 p.m. Central) on Bravo TV. Photos courtesy of Bravo TV’s Web site.
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