Alice Waters: You Say Rocket, I Say Arugula

That is a salad. That is a Rocket Salad with Parmesan from Alice Waters' Art of Simple Food. We do not know why people need recipes for such rudimentary salads. We do not know why Alice Waters' cookbooks still refer to arugula as "rocket." It strikes us as a twee affectation in an American chef, like calling eggplants "aubergines," or avocados "alligator pears." It strikes us as a twee affectation like using the Royal We, which we have no idea why we are doing.

In any case, it was a nice salad, intended as a slimming lunch. Alas, it was followed a few minutes later by the remains of a child's cold, barely touched grilled cheese sandwich and a frosted cherry Pop-Tart -- the last in a package that was cluttering up the cupboard. 

We woke up this morning, stepped on the scale, and resolved to lose 17 pounds. It seemed wise to rid the cupboard of all temptations, like frosted cherry Pop-Tarts. We will sleep easier, and diet more enthusiastically, knowing they are gone.

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