My Bombay Kitchen: Short & Sweet

That's more like it, yes?

Mark told me that recent posts were "wordy" so I'll keep my account of last night's meal brief.

Checka came over, and we heated up various savory Parsi leftovers -- then added something new to mix, what Niloufer Ichaporia King calls Mehlli's Orchard Breakfast. (She first ate it at the home of her friend Mehlli, who owns a sapodilla orchard near Bombay. I want a friend with a sapodilla orchard!) Its main ingredient is pohua (or poha), which is flaked rice that you moisten with cold water then throw into a skillet full of golden fried onions, spices, and potatoes. It is easy and REALLY delicious.

We also had Puris, prepared by Isabel, and Date pastries (khajur ni ghari) prepared by Checka and myself. See impressively styled photo above. Alas, although the pastries were pretty, none of us loved eating them. I would go on, but do not want this writeup to become "prolix," another adjective that my spouse has applied to this blog.

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