Another Blog is Born

Everybody and her hamster has a blog, and I want one too!

I'm going to write here about my insane relationship with my cookbook collection, which now includes over 1,000 volumes. My plan is to pick out one book every week or two and live inside it, trying the recipes, getting to know the author and -- in the longer run -- attempting to figure out what it is about cookbooks that I find so curiously thrilling. A friend once suggested it was all about food porn, and my face got very red and hot and I began to sputter because that's not it at all. 

But what is it, then? 

We shall see . . . 

Tonight I begin exploring My Bombay Kitchen by Niloufer Ichaporia King, one of three titles nominated for the James Beard Award for 2008's best Asian cookbook. Since I already own all three, I figured, why not rig a little tournament before the awards are announced in early June?

These are exciting times. In a few hours: Parsi food.

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