The "Squeezing Blood from a Turnip" Test - Phase 1

This scrumptious beef short rib recipe was first aired last February, when the blog was brand new, and I hadn't yet realized my free video recipe business model had a serious flaw. Apparently, if you spend more than you bring in, you don't make what my accountant calls a "profit."

To keep the site up and running, I've been posting video recipes I produce for While I enjoy doing them, I want to be able to do a lot more of my own clips. So, with that in mind, I'm reposting this clip to test a new way to generate some revenue. As you'll see, I've embedded some product advertising over the video.

Comments are welcome, unless you're just going to say, "I like them better without the ads." Without further ado, I present "Braised Beef Short Ribs with Chocolate and Cinnamon," now with annoying popup advertising! Enjoy.


Click here if you want to read the original post with ingredients.

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